Category Archives: Uncategorized

Benefits of Metal Roofing Over a Shingle Roof

There is much to consider when weighing asphalt vs. metal roofing. The allure of metal roofing systems comes not only from the great look but also from its longevity and durability. Metal roofing also has other benefits such as reduced heating and cooling costs, increase property value, and lower homeowner’s insurance rates. Both metal and […]

10 Reasons Why Homeowners Love Metal Roofing

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about metal roofs and their manifold benefits. And why not? As one of the most durable roofing materials available on the market, metal roofs have outshined the famous asphalt shingles, slates, and other composite roofing materials. Here are eight reasons why homeowners choose a metal roof:: 1. Durability […]

Benefits of Metal Roofing for Canadian Climate

Winter weather can understandably be a big concern for homeowners. After all, the typical homeowner spends anywhere from 1% to 5% of their home’s value on maintenance and repairs every year. Winterize your home easily with a metal roof. In addition to its longevity, metal roofing lasts much longer than most roofing materials. Today’s metal […]